, created by Akshay Ridlan, uses QR codes to keep pets safe and give owners peace of mind. Lost pets can be quickly identified and returned with this innovative solution.
Step 1
Create an account with your email
Step 2
Click on "Buy now" Button or visit "products link"
Step 3
Select quantity and fill up your details
Step 4
Make payment according to your selected quantity
Step 5
Get QR Tag within 7 working days
Digital QR based Adhar card for strays!
Hi Pawfriends!
I have some news that will change the lives of everyone who cares for our strays!
Upon research, micro-chip seemed like the prevalent solution. However, it was inaccessible due to its cost, the hassle of inserting in dogs and separate scanner needs.
As a dedication to Kalu, I used my tech skills and started coding, thus coming to a unique, inexpensive, easy-to-use solution! AKA - (
It is a unique identification tag with end-to-end information about the stray stored in it. This QR code can be put as a tag on the dog and easily scanned when anyone finds a lost stray in their vicinity.
One quick QR code scan, and the passerby can have all the information about the original feeder or caretaker of the mute soul!
We aim to reunite these poor stray babies with their loving feeders with simplicity.
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